
Where I Work

I am currently working at home and so I have had a bit of a spruce up of my desk and the surrounding area. Here it is in all its glory.

Notes on my work area:

  • The banner was bought in a lovely shop in Rockport, MA on our 2019 trip to Cape Cod and Massachusetts. It is made from old children’s book covers. It is perfectly whimsical and makes me want to return to MA.
  • I moved a picture which used to hang on the window side wall into my new reading nook area (see below for bonus home decor content!) so I shifted the ‘Princess and the Pea’ fabric art into this spot. This used to hang in Evelina’s nursery and when I was refreshing this space, I almost took it to a charity shop but I just could not do it!
  • The pinboards have been rejigged so they are next to each other to make room for my new pegboard. I have removed a lot of teaching ephemera as I realised it gave me negative feelings. I have carefully tucked away the thank you cards etc. so I can still look at them when I want but they are now not constant reminders. I also tried to make sure that the photos of the kids were a bit more current and even (they were a little Evelina-heavy before). Each item on these boards brings me joy. See below for a close-up!
  • My IKEA pegboard has meant I could get rid of clutter from my desk with all my pens still in easy reach but nicely tucked into a pot on the board.
  • My fake flowers never wither and never need topping up with water! They are so pretty – I bought them for the lounge but decided to steal them for my own office!
  • Yes, I have all the glasses. I need different glasses for everyday wear, reading and the computer. Plus the sunglasses and reading sunglasses I also own. Growing old is hard.
  • My desk would not be my desk without notebooks. Pictured here are my Erin Condren Monthly Planner which has been the most successful Erin Condren planner purchase to date as I have used it for more than two months! I love it but it is a pain to have to resticker it for a Monday start to the week (I just can’t get my head around the week starting on Sunday). I don’t think I will buy one when this runs out but we shall see! The black notebook is a watercolour book from my brother which I am using as a nature journal. I cannot draw or paint but I am not letting that stop me and maybe I will share it at some point if I can get over the embarrassment of how awful the artwork is! On the right is my weekly planner by Boxclever Press which I use for work. I love this and it is much cheaper than buying a planner from overseas!

This is the unit to the right of my desk. The lower cubbies are a work in progress (read: total mess) but these top ones show off my Lego (these are the sets from Friends and The Office US). My growing pin collection is also displayed along with a lovely family picture from my parents. The stacking baby toy is another item which was about to go to charity and was saved at the last minute.

And finally, as promised, the additional content of Where I Read (sometimes!). This nook is in an awkward corner of our bedroom. It is such a calm, pretty spot now with the lovely F&B Peignoir wall colour (thanks to my wonderful friend Sarah for the recommendation!), the planter-cum-side table from TK Maxx, the Bluebell candle (also from Sarah) and more fake flowers (I love them!) along with the lovely art deco print which was another gift from my brother (he gives great gifts!) years ago. Remember the shop Past Times? If you don’t, you are too young.

I hope you enjoyed that little tour. I am so nosey I love looking at workspaces and reading nooks in particular so I hope you do too!

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