
Five Best Books So Far

As we are almost halfway through the year, and I am doing pretty well with my reading challenge, I thought I’d share the five books I have enjoyed the most this year.

  1. The Outsider by Stephen King – I hadn’t read any King for some time and this book made me want to fill my shelves with his books. So, so creepy, supernatural in the scariest way as so much is so normal, this book made my heart pound in fear and marvel at his words. He is a phenomenal writer.
  2. Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros – the sequel to Fourth Wing did not disappoint and I buddy read this with my wonderful friend and ex-colleague Hazel. Reading in stages and then chatting about it was so much fun! Shame her stupid job made her suddenly too busy to read so I had to read to the end alone! Thankfully she has finally managed to finish it!
  3. Where the World Ends by Geraldine McCaughrean – this may well be one of my favourite books of all time. It was strange reading about this wild, cold, stormy Scottish island while in the heat of Cape Verde and I did not expect to be bawling by the pool. Please read this. Please recommend to your children to read this.
  4. This Summer Will Be Different by Carley Fortune – a steamy forbidden romance set on Prince Edward Island? Perfect summer reading (or listening in my case). I just wish there was more setting description but I guess that is not why we should be reading it!!!
  5. The Housemaid by Freida McFadden – a properly twisty tense thriller. I thoroughly enjoyed this. I have now moved on to the second in the series which is fine but this first one was elite.

Special mentions: Funny Story by Emily Henry – not my favourite of hers but charming nonetheless; Flowerheart by Catherine Bakewell – a charming, cosy fantasy with flower magic and beautiful descriptions and an even more beautiful hardback cover.

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